Lee Andrews – Operations and Business Development

I’m 59 years young, a mother of four, love Tottenham Hotspur, do a bit of dancing, and read prolifically.

I’ve chicaned my way through adult life, knocking over a few road signs, missing turn-offs, and generally being a hazard to a few pedestrians who got in my path. Lucky for me, the great driving instructor in the sky has taken the controls on several occasions.

My mum gave me a poem called “Footsteps in the Sand” before she died. It spoke of someone who walked with Jesus and how, when looking back over his life, he questioned the footprints on the beach, and how he could only see one set of prints at the difficult times of his journey. He asked Jesus why He had forsaken him in those times. Jesus replied the prints belonged to Him as He had carried the man through these tough times. That just about sums me up, too! He’s been there all along, but up until recently, I hadn’t acknowledged His presence in my life…..thats why it was full of tribulation, lol… 

I have had many jobs, mainly in the corporate world, until my daughter arrived in 2000.  Then, I became self-employed. The pinnacle of my career was winning Small to Medium

Enterprise Business Woman of the Year and Small Business of the Year in Milton Keynes 2019. I found I had been gifted with tenacity, and a flair for organising, and I was blessed with those who walked into my path.  For instance, I grew my business with support from the powerhouse Victoria, and I have worked on previous community projects with my favourite Commander-in-Chief, Mick. In fact, I owe much of what I have achieved to those around me and everything I am to Jesus.

Although I’ve met many people on this road trip we call life, many have gone alternative routes, few remain. This team is made up of the ones who have expressed faith in the Serenity Project. That’s why, as trustees, we all give our time freely.

I remember when Tish told me I was “an adventure”. That was her benevolent way of calling me a “disaster”. And the adventure continued until Jesus saved me in December 2022.  Even then, He continued to let me make a hash of things….He kindly calls it “continuing to exercise my free will”. You see, our journey lasts a lifetime and our steps often need redirecting.  

At one of those crossroads moments that I met Badger and Chris. Badger allowed me to escape from the reality we call “life” in his veteran’s retreat in Penzance. His big, hairy face, kindness, and robust faith helped me start to put one foot in front of the other after a period of emotional paralysis. But my chaos continued after I left Penzance until I eventually couldn’t do it on my own any more. He took over the wheel through Diana until I finally proved myself roadworthy!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Phillippians 4:13)